International School of Innovation

The Reggio School of Tokyo

RST Charity Art Auction 2024


As a school, we strive to not just be involved with our local community but to also give our students and their families a chance to be part of larger global initiatives.
One such initiative is our yearly Charity Art Auction. During this event, large artworks created by all of our classes are professionally displayed in an art gallery. Members of our school community visit the gallery to not only view the works but also use the event as a chance to benefit children’s charity organizations. Through auction-style bidding and the sale of catalogs and prints of the work, each year we have been able to make a significant contribution to charity.

Through this event, not only do our students get the chance to see their work professionally displayed in a gallery setting, but they also leave with the understanding that their work has contributed to charity. The students learn that with only their creativity, it is possible to improve the lives of children around the world!

This year, we are proud to announce that we raised ¥760,000 for the charity A Chance in Life. With this year’s auction, in total we have raised over ¥2,000,000 for children’s charity!

RSTのチャリティーアートオークションイベントでは、全クラスが制作した大型アート作品がギャラリーに展示されます。RSTコミュニティのメンバーは、作品を鑑賞するだけでなく、子供たちの慈善団体に対する支援の機会として、作品に入札することができます。今年は、「A Chance in Life」という団体76万円を寄付することができたことを誇りに思っています。今年のオークションを含め、これまでに合計200万円以上の寄付金を集めることができました!