Enrollment is now open for this year’s Spring School program!
Spring School offers students two immersive weeks of project-based learning.
Each week sees the students engaged in a different a school-wide project designed to involve each age group in the school in a way that is inspiring, exciting, and relevant for their learning abilities. The projects for this year are:
Week 1 –Magical Metamorphosis:
A STEM-focused week where students explore the fascinating transformations of nature, from studying the life cycles of insects and animals to creating projects inspired by metamorphosis.
Week 2 – The Creative Life of Flowers:An art-focused week where students delve into the artistic world of flowers, express their beauty through creativity, and discover how they inspire art across cultures.
Spaces will fill up fast, so make sure to register right away to join the fun! Register here: https://forms.gle/ndT8CpD3nB7FtYuF9
今年のスプリングスクールのお申し込みが開始されました!Week 1はSTEMに焦点を当てた「Magical Metamorphosis」で、昆虫や動物のライフサイクルを学びます。Week 2はアートに焦点を当てた「The Creative Life of Flowers」で、花の美しさを創造的に表現します。創造力を発揮し、楽しく充実した、RSTらしさ満載のプログラムとなっています!