The RST Approach RSTアプローチ(教育方針)

RST レッジョ・エミリア・アプローチ

At RST we are strongly influenced by the style of teaching born in the small village of Reggio Emilia in Italy. At the core of our Reggio inspired approach is the belief that each child is fully capable of expressing themselves and communicating their interests. Because of this, we believe that the children can have a great deal of control over their own education.

The RST Approach offers children an amazing array of experiences designed and curated by the teachers to reflect each child’s interests and strengths. As the children work alongside their friends and teachers to develop projects, they learn how to work as a team, complete research, become confident in themselves and their own abilities, and most importantly, develop a love for school and learning.

A Reggio Influenced Approach

The Reggio Emilia approach was developed in the 1940s in the town of Reggio Emilia in Italy. The educators and parents in this community developed the approach with the goal of helping children become better citizens. The Reggio approach is flexible and is developed from children's ideas, thoughts, communication, and observations. The goal of the approach is to help children develop a lifelong passion for learning and exploration.
The Reggio approach gained a lot of attention in 1991 when experts at Newsweek magazine listed the preschools in Reggio Emilia one of "best top ten schools in the world”. Support and interest for Reggio continues to grow and even leading institutions like the World Bank and Google are advocating for the Reggio approach.
The goals of the Reggio approach and the RST philosophy align perfectly and therefore Reggio was incorporated into The RST Approach to education and our mission to help children develop into confident and capable world citizens.

RST Children


  • ・Children who enjoy school and contribute to the process are able to develop an emotional connection to learning, which allows them to understand the reason for, and rewards of, learning. Children who develop this will be successful in all of their schooling experiences.
  • ・The ability to work as a team. RST children learn equality and to appreciate the ideas and opinions of others through project work.
  • ・Confidence in their own abilities. Through each child’s varied and unique contributions, each child learns that their own ideas and abilities are valuable.
  • ・Independence and self-motivation. Through shaping the direction and content of their own education, RST children learn to become independent and self-motivated.
  • ・The ability to speak their mind. Children are constantly encouraged (and given time) to share their thoughts and opinions at RST. The understanding that what they have to say is important allows them to develop the confidence to express their interests and opinions.
  • ・Respect for themselves and others as individuals. RST children are allowed to interact with their peers in a way that allows them to gain an interest and appreciation for their contributions. This allows children not only to develop a respect for others, but for themselves as well.